Where To Put The Car Jack When Changing A Tire?

Evan Kyle
UX/UI Designer at - Adobe

Changing a tire on your car can be a daunting task, especially if you’re new to it. Knowing where to put the car jack is the first step to successfully completing the job. In this article, you’ll learn where to put the car jack when changing a tire, as well as how to do it safely and securely. Keep reading to arm yourself with the knowledge you need to make your next tire-changing experience a breeze.

Where to Put the Car Jack When Changing a Tire?

Where to Put the Car Jack When Changing a Tire?

Changing a tire can be a daunting task for some, but it’s actually a fairly easy process. The most important part is knowing where to put the car jack when changing a tire. Placing the car jack in the right spot will ensure that the car is secure while you change the tire.

Identifying the Right Spot on the Vehicle

The right spot to place the car jack when changing a tire is usually indicated by a metal tab or a metal notch in the frame of the vehicle. It’s usually located near the wheel that you’re replacing. You should never place the jack directly on the wheel. Placing the jack in the wrong spot can cause the car to become unstable and could lead to an accident.

Properly Positioning the Jack

Once you’ve identified the right spot, it’s important that you position the jack properly. Make sure that the jack is parallel to the ground and that the base of the jack is firmly on the ground. This will ensure that the car is properly supported.

Using Locking Jacks

If possible, it’s best to use a locking car jack. These jacks are designed to stay in place and will help to keep the car secure while you’re changing the tire. Make sure the jack is properly secured before you start lifting the car.

Adjusting the Jack

Once the jack is in place and properly secured, you can start to adjust it. Adjust the jack so that it can reach the metal tab or notch that you identified earlier. Make sure that the jack is firmly in place and that it’s not slipping or moving.

Lifting the Vehicle

Once the jack is in place and adjusted, you can start to lift the car. Make sure that you’re lifting the car evenly and that the car is secure before you start to take the wheel off.

Removing the Wheel

Once the car is securely lifted, you can start to remove the wheel. Make sure that you’re using the right tools and that you’re following the instructions in your car’s owner’s manual.

Installing the New Wheel

Once the old wheel is removed, you can start to install the new wheel. Make sure that the wheel bolts are properly tightened and that the wheel is properly aligned before you lower the car.

Lowering the Vehicle

Once the new wheel is installed, you can start to lower the car. Make sure that the car is firmly on the ground before you start to remove the jack from the vehicle.

Storing the Jack

Once you’re finished with the tire change, it’s important that you store the jack correctly. Make sure that the jack is stored in a cool, dry place and that it’s not exposed to extreme temperatures or moisture.


Changing a tire can be a daunting task, but it’s important to know where to put the car jack when changing a tire. Placing the jack in the right spot will ensure that the car is secure while you change the tire. Make sure that the jack is properly positioned and that it’s securely locked before you start lifting the car. Once the car is lifted, you can start to remove the old wheel and install the new one. When you’re finished, make sure that the car is firmly on the ground and that the jack is stored correctly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Car Jack?

A car jack is a tool used to lift a vehicle as high as is necessary for a person to be able to change a tire. It is usually made of metal, and is operated by a handle. It is an essential tool for anyone who wants to change a tire, as it is required to lift the vehicle off the ground.

Where Should I Put the Car Jack When Changing a Tire?

When changing a tire, the car jack should be placed underneath the vehicle in the area where the tire is located. It should be placed on a solid, level surface, such as the ground or a concrete pad. Make sure that the jack is firmly in place and not shifting as you lift the vehicle with it. It is also important to ensure that the jack is not placed in a position where it could be damaged if the vehicle slips off of it.

What Should I Do After Placing the Car Jack?

After placing the car jack, the next step is to loosen the lug nuts that hold the wheel in place. This is done by using a lug wrench to turn the lug nuts counterclockwise. Once the lug nuts are loose, you can then proceed to lift the vehicle with the car jack. Make sure to raise the car high enough so that you can easily remove the wheel and replace it with the spare tire.

Is It Necessary to Use a Car Jack When Changing a Tire?

Yes, it is necessary to use a car jack when changing a tire. Without it, it is impossible to lift the vehicle off the ground in order to access the wheel and tire. It is also important to ensure that the jack is securely in place and that the vehicle is safely lifted off the ground before attempting to remove the wheel.

What Are Some Safety Tips When Using a Car Jack?

When using a car jack, it is important to follow some safety tips to ensure that the process is done safely. Always make sure that the jack is placed on a solid, level surface and that it is firmly in place before using it to lift the vehicle. Additionally, never place your hands or feet underneath the vehicle while it is raised. Finally, always use a jack stand to support the vehicle after it is lifted, as this will prevent the car from slipping off the jack.

Where to Put the Car Jack When Changing a Tire? 2

How to change a tire (with the car’s jack)

In conclusion, when changing a tire, it is important to know where to properly place the car jack. The best place is on a flat, solid surface, such as asphalt or concrete. Make sure the jack is perpendicular to the ground, and if possible, use a piece of wood or a jack stand for extra stability. By following these steps, you can ensure a safe and successful tire change.

Evan KyleUX/UI Designer at - Adobe

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